Saturday, March 29, 2014

Division Activity

Dear 3F professors,

I hope that you have a better understanding of division as finding (1)  the no. of equal groups and (2) the no. of items in each group through our mini activity. 


1) Total divided by each = no. of groups
2) Total divided by no. of groups = each

Don't forget to learn your timestables well for our password games too. (:

Here are some photos of you at work. Enjoy! (; 

Sudoku Quiz Winners

Congratulations, Xeanne and Alden! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rainbow Day Item

Hi children, here is the song for our Rainbow Day performance. I'll be teaching you some simple Indian dance steps to go along with the catchy song.

This song has a very short lyrics as shown below.

I believe (x12)in love, love, love, love, love!

When you can't see the forest for the trees,
follow the colours of your dreams
 just turn to friends their help transcends to love, love, love, love, love

I believe (x12)in love, love
I believe (x12)in love, love, love, love

The winter's finally passing on,
the king is back, the queen is gone,
come dance with me cause now we're free to love, love, love, love, love

 Tutu tururu tu tururu...
I believe (x12)in love, love
I believe (x12)in love, love, love, love

Tutu tururu tu tururu... Love, love, love!
Tutu tururu tu tururu... Love, love, love!

Here's the video on the simple dance steps.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Read, Reap, Write

As part of the school's programme to encourage positive reading habits in children, Ms Christabel from National Library Board came to our class and shared an extract from the story "Matilda". She also carried out some activities related to the story. 
I'm glad that most of you enjoyed this session with Ms Christabel.

*Do you know that we have the book "Matilda" in our class library? There are also several other books by Roald Dahl available for you to read in the class library. Do borrow them and read to find out more about the stories. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Use Your Hands Campaign

This morning we had our "Use Your Hands campaign". Most of you brought along a rag to clean the classroom. The rest of you helped in sweeping the floor, arranging your books and files and cleaning the white board. 

It was indeed delightful to see everyone working harmoniously together to make our classroom a better and more inviting environment for everyone. Wonderful job everyone ! 
Here are some photos taken in the morning. 

Have a great week at home!
Remember to do your homework as well. 
1) English composition 
2) mconline - English assignment
3) Science mini project on mouldy bread

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Learning the Multiplication Tables

P3F children have been learning the various multiplication tables over the past few lessons. To help them understand the concept of multiplication as repeated addition, they had the opportunity to use multilink cubes to form groups. Judging from the racous laughter that rang throughout the classroom, they certainly enjoyed the activity. From there, we had a discussion on the patterns that can be observed from the multiples of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
The children were in awe when shown the shortcuts to memorising the various multiplication tables in class (Refer to the videos in previous 2 maths blog posts.) To aid them in memorising the facts, they also had to go through the following 3 steps during maths lessons:

1. Recite the multiplication facts.
2. Recite and 'write' the facts in the air.
3. Recite, 'write' and imagine the facts floating towards them while closing their eyes. 

Besides that, they danced to the catchy tunes of the various multiplication songs while reciting them aloud. What fun they had! Here are some photos of them in action. Enjoy. (:

3F professors, do use the March holidays to memorise the multiplication tables. Have a fabulous holiday too. (:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Video on Plants

Find out more about plants in the following video.

The World of Micro-organisms

Look at the KB board in class. Find out more about microorganisms in the website below.
World of Microorganisms in the Children's University of Manchester

Remember the story on Wright Brothers which I shared in the beginning of the term?
Here's a story about a man known as Louis Pasteur. Have you heard of him before?

Watch the video below to find out more about his great contribution to the world. )

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

More Multiplication Tables

Hello, 3F!

Here are some more videos to help you revise the multiplication facts. Enjoy! (:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Multiplication Facts & Shortcuts

Hello, 3F Maths professors!

Let's revise the multiplication facts!

2 to 12 Times Tables (Fast Version)

7 Times Tables Magic Trick

8 Times Tables Trick

9 Times Tables Shortcut

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

ICT: Multiplication Mania!

Hello, 3F Professors!

Are you awesome in multiplication? Try the following to find out! Have fun! :)