Thursday, March 13, 2014

Learning the Multiplication Tables

P3F children have been learning the various multiplication tables over the past few lessons. To help them understand the concept of multiplication as repeated addition, they had the opportunity to use multilink cubes to form groups. Judging from the racous laughter that rang throughout the classroom, they certainly enjoyed the activity. From there, we had a discussion on the patterns that can be observed from the multiples of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
The children were in awe when shown the shortcuts to memorising the various multiplication tables in class (Refer to the videos in previous 2 maths blog posts.) To aid them in memorising the facts, they also had to go through the following 3 steps during maths lessons:

1. Recite the multiplication facts.
2. Recite and 'write' the facts in the air.
3. Recite, 'write' and imagine the facts floating towards them while closing their eyes. 

Besides that, they danced to the catchy tunes of the various multiplication songs while reciting them aloud. What fun they had! Here are some photos of them in action. Enjoy. (:

3F professors, do use the March holidays to memorise the multiplication tables. Have a fabulous holiday too. (:

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